25 English Exercises on Grammar and comprehension
1 - According to Nuttall (2000, p. 38):
Conscious development of reading skills is important because we are trying to equip students for the future. It is impossible to familiarize them with every text they will ever want to read; but what we can do is give them techniques for approaching texts of various kinds, to be used for various purposes. That is the essence of teaching reading.
In his book, Teaching by Principles, Brown (2001) offers a table with several microskills of reading comprehension.
Read the statements below. Are all of them microskills of reading comprehension?
1. Distinguishing between literal and implied meanings.
2. Expressing a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.
3. Inferring context that is implicit by using background knowledge.
4. Recognizing the communicative functions of written texts, according to form and function.
Mark the correct alternative.
a) Only statements 1 and 2 are true.
b) Only statements 1, 3 and 4 are true.
c) Only statements 2 and 4 are true.
d) Only statements 1, 2 and 3 are true.
e) Statements 1, 2, 3 and 4 are true.
2 - As far as Second Language Acquisition is concerned, Brown (2000, p. 271) states that there is not exactly “an integrated, unified theory of SLA, a standard set of constructs to which large numbers of researchers and teachers predominantly subscribe”. The existence of different models of SLA exemplify the complexity of this field of research.
On the right column there are two characteristics of each one of the models of Second Language Acquisition presented on the left column. Match the columns.
1. Cognitive models.
2. A social constructivist model.
3. An innatist model.
( ) Interaction and input play very important roles in the process of acquisition.
( ) It is claimed that language rules are acquired in a predictable or “natural” order.
( ) Acquisition is more likely to occur if students are challenged with input a little
beyond their comprehension and if their affective filter is low.
( ) Awareness is a key factor for long-term learning of new material to be achieved.
( ) The zone of proximal development is seen as advantageous for learners to
construct the new language.
( ) Planning time is seen as significantly influencing class performance – not only
in terms of fluency but also in terms of accuracy.
Mark the alternative that represents the correct sequence of the right column, from top to bottom.
a) 2 – 2 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1.
b) 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 2 – 3.
c) 2 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 1.
d) 3 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1.
e) 1 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 2 – 3.
3 - Concerning the principle of meaningful learning, Brown (2001, p. 57) states that “Meaningful learning will lead toward better long-term retention than rote learning”.
Are the statements below in accordance with the principle of meaningful learning?
1. In order to promote meaningful learning in class, drilling and memorization strategies are to be avoided.
2. Meaningful learning is more easily achieved when the teacher takes into consideration students’ interests and goals.
3. Anchoring the teaching of new items on students’ previous knowledge is a way of promoting meaningful learning in class.
Choose the correct alternative.
a) Only statement 1 is true.
b) Only statement 3 is true.
c) Only statements 1 and 2 are true.
d) Only statements 2 and 3 are true.
e) Statements 1, 2 and 3 are true.
4 - As far as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is concerned, choose the correct alternative.
a) In CLT, sociolinguistic competence is considered more important than fluency or accuracy.
b) In CLT, the teacher is responsible for constructing the syllabus with authentic material instead of using textbooks.
c) In CLT, language techniques are designed to engage learners in producing responses without grammatical explanation or
monitoring by teacher.
d) In CLT, classroom tasks are designed to equip students with the necessary skills to succeed in unrehearsed contexts of
communication outside the classroom.
e) In CLT, classroom goals are focused on three components of communicative competence: the discourse component, the
functional component and the strategic component.
5 - Match the listening skills in the right column with their examples in the left column.
1. Perception skills.
2. Using knowledge of the world.
3. Dealing with information.
4. Interacting with a speaker.
( ) Identifying the speaker’s mood attitude.
( ) Understanding the main points as well as details.
( ) Recognizing intonation patterns.
( ) Relying on knowledge of a topic to guess what a speaker is saying
about it.
Mark the alternative that represents the correct sequence of the right column, from top to bottom.
a) 1 – 3 – 2 – 4.
b) 4 – 3 – 1 – 2.
c) 2 – 3 – 4 – 1.
d) 3 – 4 – 1 – 2.
e) 1 – 2 – 3 – 4.
6 - Peter Roach (2009) identifies different functions of intonation such as: the attitudinal function, the accentual function, the grammatical function and the discourse function. Regarding the discourse function of intonation, mark the correct alternative.
a) The discourse function of intonation enables us to express our emotions as we speak.
b) The discourse function of intonation helps the listener recognize the syntatic structure of what is being said.
c) The discourse function of intonation makes it possible for us to express if the message needs to be restated or not.
d) The discourse function of intonation leads the listener to perceive the difference between questions and statements.
e) The discourse function of intonation signals to the listener what part of the message he/she is to pay attention to; in other words, where the new information is.
7 - Considering the pair of words in each of the alternatives below, does the presence of the underlined suffixes affect the place where the stress falls in the second word of each pair?
1. punish/punishment.
2. advantage/advantageous.
3. climate/climatic.
4. poison/poisonous.
5. injure/ injurious.
6. perfect/perfection.
Mark the correct alternative.
a) Stress placement is only affected in alternatives 1, 3 and 5.
b) Stress placement is only affected in alternatives 4, 5 and 6.
c) Stress placement is only affected in alternatives 1, 2, 3 and 4.
d) Stress placement is only affected in alternatives 2, 3, 5 and 6.
e) Stress placement is affected in alternatives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
8 - According to Fred Genesee and John A. Upshur (1996, p. 249), validity “is the extent to which a test actually measures what it is supposed to measure or is being used to measure”.
Are the statements below related to the criterion of validity?
( ) Content relevance is one way of assessing the validity of a test.
( ) Using a well-established test as a criterion measure to a new test is a way of validating the latter.
( ) Using a test designed for one type of learner with a different kind of learner threatens the validity of that test.
( ) The validity of test scores will be lowered if students do not take the test seriously.
Mark the alternative that presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
a) T – T – F – F.
b) F – F – T – F.
c) F – T – F – T.
d) T – F – T – F.
e) T – T – T – T.
9 - Regarding the pronunciation of the final ‘s’ and ‘es’ in the third person singular form of verbs, mark the alternative that presents the following pattern: /s/, /Iz/, /z/, in this order, twice.
a) works, writes, closes; dances, glides, needs.
b) sees, watches, feeds; threatens, reaches, reveals.
c) tops, produces, plays; makes, washes, goes.
d) puts, provides, persuades; turns, changes, offers.
e) shows, leaves, gets; asks, copies, expresses.
10 - Bygate (1995) mentions different kinds of oral communication skills. The excerpts below deal with two of these types of skills.
1. ___________ skills involve perceiving, recalling, and articulating in the correct order sounds and structures of the language. This is the relatively superficial aspect of skill which is a bit like learning how to manipulate the controls of a car on a deserted piece of road far from the flow of normal traffic. It is the context-free kind of skill, the kind which has been recognized in language teaching for many years in the rationale of the audio-lingual approach to language teaching.
2. ___________ skills involve making decisions about communication, such as: what to say, how to say it, and whether to develop it, in accordance with one’s intention, while maintaining the desired relations with others. Note that our notions of what is right or wrong now depend on such things as what we have decided to say, how successful we have been so far, whether it is useful to continue the point, what our intentions are, and what sorts of relations we intend to
establish or maintain with our interlocutors.
Mark the alternative that has the words that correctly complete text 1 and then text 2, respectively.
a) Observation; Socializing.
b) Oral; Integrative.
c) Conversational; Decision-making.
d) Productive; Relational.
►e) Motor-perceptive; Interactional.
11 - According to Brown (2001, p. 358), when a teacher evaluates the writing of a student, “the most instructive feedback [he/she] can give is [his/her] comments, both specific and summative, regarding the student’s work”. In Brown’s opinion the categories of content, organization, discourse, syntax, vocabulary and mechanics can provide the basis for such evaluations.
Read the statements below.
1. In the category of mechanics, teachers may evaluate students’ writings in terms of syntax and punctuation.
2. In the discourse category for evaluating writing, teachers may check cohesion as well as discourse markers.
3. Considering the category of content, teachers may evaluate if the writing has a consistent focus and an appropriate length.
4. Considering the organization category, teachers may evaluate if the writing has a logical sequence of ideas and if the introduction is effective.
Mark the correct alternative.
a) Only statements 1 and 4 are true.
b) Only statements 1 and 3 are true.
c) Only statements 2 and 4 are true.
d) Only statements 1, 2 and 3 are true.
e) Statements 1, 2, 3 and 4 are true.
12 - In her article entitled “Tips for teaching culture in a globalized world”, Adelaide Oliveira (apud LIMA, 2012, p. 83) calls attention to the fact that the guidelines for teaching English in Brazil (Parâmetros, 1998) “have highlighted the importance of teaching culture and the benefits that this approach to teaching brings to both students and teachers”.
Read the statements below. Are they all related to students’ intercultural communicative competence?
1. Learners are instigated to challenge how others see us.
2. Learners are stimulated to doubt the attitudes and beliefs of others.
3. Learners are motivated to deal with different interpretations of reality.
4. Learners are led to critically evaluate cultural products of their own culture as well as of other cultures.
Mark the correct alternative.
a) Only statements 1 and 2 are true.
b) Only statements 1, 3 and 4 are true.
c) Only statements 3 and 4 are true.
d) Only statements 2 and 4 are true.
e) Statements 1, 2, 3 and 4 are true.
13 - As far as the agreement between subject and verb is concerned, mark the alternative which presents an example of correct agreement. Attend to the forms more likely used in careful written English.
a) Neither of the students knows the topic for their final project.
b) None of the teaching equipment seem to have been shipped yet.
c) Either this mall or that mall are a nice place to buy clothes and shoes.
d) Among the people we’re going to invite to our party are my French teacher.
e) Having to correct students’ texts at home stand for a real burden for some teachers.
14 - Read this paragraph and answer the question.
“The latest translation apps incorporate ______________________ so you can speak ______________________ type in the
word or phrase you want translated and then get both a text and audio response. While there are a
______________________ number of translation apps, most use one of just three voice recognition programs (Google, Microsoft or Nuance) mixed with translation software (either Google or Microsoft) plus the app developer’s own tweaks. (from www.nyt.com)”
The sequence of words that best fills in the blanks in the paragraph above is:
a) voice-recognition software – as well as – bewildering.
b) in-built dictionaries – in addition to – limited.
c) a special keyboard – as much as – great.
d) a flash drive – besides – smaller.
e) grammar devices – but not – tremendous.
15 - Which word replaces the word or phrase, in bold, in the sentence below, so that the meaning stays the same?
“I have to do this job day in, day out”
a) Only during the day.
b) Every two days.
c) Temporarily.
d) Once in a while.
e) Every day.
16 - Consider the following sentences.
1. He has bought a new blue ceramic cooking pot.
2. Her fancy dark blue fashionable Italian shades look great on her.
3. My son has just bought a new two-bedroom fantastic apartment.
4. I think I’ll need one of those round Japanese wooden bathing tubs.
5. I used to drive a black old big German car.
Mark the correct choice.
a) Only sentences 2 and 4 are correct.
b) Only sentences 1 and 4 are correct.
c) Only sentences 3, 4 and 5 are correct.
d) Only sentences 1, 3 and 5 are correct.
e) Only sentences 2 and 3 are correct.
17 - Consider the following sentences.
1. Ana recommended that Ruth be present in the next meeting.
2. My boss insisted me to stay overtime.
3. She advised that the company not raise the prices.
4. We all suggested her to have some days off.
5. It is inappropriate that you should call her this late at night.
Mark the correct choice.
a) Only sentences 1 and 4 are correct.
b) Only sentences 2 and 5 are correct.
c) Only sentences 3, 4 and 5 are correct.
d) Only sentences 1, 3 and 5 are correct.
e) Only sentences 2 and 3 are correct.
18 - Concerning the use of pairwork in a communicative language class, mark the option that is NOT APPROPRIATE.
Pairwork is usually used for
a) checking students’ accuracy.
b) practicing fluency.
c) encouraging shy learners.
d) encouraging students to help each other.
e) increasing students’ talking time.
19 - Consider the past tense form of the following regular verbs.
1. played.
2 permitted.
3. worked.
4. called.
5. washed.
The top-down order of the sound endings of these verbs is:
a) /Id/, /t/, /d/, /t/, /d/.
b) /Id/, /d/, /Id/, /t/, /Id/.
c) /d/, /Id/, /t/, /d/, /t/.
d) /t/, /Id/, /d/, /t/, /d/.
e) /d/, /d/, /t/, /Id/, /t/.
20 - Consider the following sentences.
1. He insisted to pay for the meal.
2. Telma and Louise never admitted to be wrong and had a tragic ending.
3. I don’t approve of your smoking.
4. I’ve just learnt of the death of Ray Manzarek, a founding member of The Doors.
5. We objected to their dog’s barking all night.
Mark the correct choice.
a) Only sentences 3 and 4 are correct.
b) Only sentences 2 and 5 are correct.
c) Only sentences 3, 4 and 5 are correct.
d) Only sentences 1 and 4 are correct.
e) Only sentences 1 and 2 are correct.
21 - Based on the concept of English as an International Language (EIL) (McKay, 2002) and its relationship to culture, which of the following characteristics DOES NOT belong to the definition of EIL?
a) As an international language, English is used both in a global sense for international communication between countries and in a local sense as a language of wider communication within multilingual societies.
b) As an international language, the pronunciation standards of the Inner Circle countries should be taken as a basis for international communication intelligibility.
c) As an international language in a local sense, English becomes embedded in the culture of the country in which it is used.
d) As English is an international language in a global sense, one of its primary functions is to enable speakers to share with others their ideas and culture.
e) As it is an international language, the use of English is no longer connected to the culture of Inner Circle countries (e.g. USA, Canada, the UK, and Australia).
22 - Match the concepts concerning language testing (on the left) to the questions which you might ask to check if the
concepts have been taken into account in a test. (BROWN, 2001, p. 386-389)
The correct top-down order of the matched columns is:
a) 1 – 2 – 3 – 4.
b) 4 – 3 – 2 – 1.
c) 3 – 4 – 1 – 2.
d) 3 – 1 – 2 – 4.
e) 2 – 1 – 4 – 3.
23 - Having in mind the use of mingling activities in a communicative language class, mark the option which is NOT APPROPRIATE.
Mingling activities in the classroom allow students to
a) have a chance to take risks while practicing the language.
b) get individual attention from the teacher.
c) have a change of pace when talking to different interlocutors.
d) relax when speaking.
e) have a chance for self-correction.
1. Practicality.
2. Reliability.
3. Content validity.
4. Construct validity.
( ) Does the test actually sample the class of situations, that is, the universe of subject
matter about which conclusions are to be drawn?
( ) Does the test actually tap on the theoretical concepts as it has been defined?
( ) Are the means of financial limitations, time constraints, ease of administration,
scoring and interpretation feasible?
( ) If you give the same test to the same subject or matched subjects on two different
occasions, does the test itself yield similar results?
24 - Which of the following items could be considered a text genre?
1. An opinion article.
2. A movie review.
3. An academic presentation.
4. A TV advertisement.
5. A political debate.
Mark the correct choice.
a) Only items 1, 3 and 5 are correct.
b) Only items 2, 4 and 5 are correct.
c) Only items 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
d) Only items 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
e) Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are correct.
25 - Based on the views of Bakhtin, Dolz and Schneuwly state on genres, read the statements below and check whether
they are (F) false or (T) true.
( ) Each area of human activity develops its own relatively stable types of utterances: the genres.
( ) Three elements characterize the genres: their content (thematic), linguistic style, and their compositional structure.
( ) The choice for a specific genre is determined by the area of human activity, the thematic needs, the participants themselves but not specifically the intentions of the interlocutors.
( ) Genres are relatively stable types of discourse and rarely change over time.
( ) Genres mediate human communication and therefore may be considered instruments.
The top-down sequence of the answers is:
a) T – T – F – F – T.
b) F – T – F – T – F.
c) T – F – T – F – F.
d) F – F – T – F – T.
e) T – T – F – T – F.
26 - Regarding the work with students in the classroom, there are several reading models such as the traditional model (bottom-up processing), the reader’s model (top-down processing), among others. What characterizes “working with
text genres in the classroom”?
1. Exploring the students’ reading strategies.
2. Exploring the social context in which the text circulates.
3. Exploring the text’s compositional structure.
4. Exploring linguistic and discursive aspects of the text.
5. Exploring the production context of the text.
Mark the correct choice.
a) Only statements 1, 2 and 5 are correct.
b) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct.
c) Only statements 3 and 5 are correct.
d) Only statements 2, 3, 4 and 5 are correct.
e) Only statements 1 and 4 are correct.
- B
- C
- D
- D
- B
- E
- D
- E
- E
- E
- C
- C
- A
- A
- E
- 6
- D
- A
- C
- A
- B
- C
- B
- E
- A
- D
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